Customer Success Story

How Kevins Worldwide Uses Celigo to Quickly Scale B2B Solutions and Expand Their Market

“We built a rich, multi-cloud API integration integration for our client Kevins Worldwide so they can scale their business. If they want to switch to another ecommerce platform, we can implement that easily with less development or nocode development.”

Harsha Sarjapur

Acumatica Partner/MVP,

InfoSourcing Inc.


Consumer Goods


Scranton, Pennsylvania



Since its inception in 1994, Kevins Worldwide has helped thousands of companies generate customer awareness and revenue through its custom promotion and apparel products. As a philosophy, they take a holistic approach and partner with customers to understand needs and surpass expectations. Their creativity, streamlined processes, attention to detail, and sense of urgency have allowed them to stand out from their peers. As a result, what started as a 4,000 square foot warehouse turned into over 85,000 square feet that houses their corporate offices in Scranton, PA.


Kevins Worldwide offers a turnkey solution by fulfilling orders from 3rd party websites that they host for B2B customers. When they had 40 different ecommerce sites hosted on the 3dcart platform, “we had to manually import each order from the ecommerce platform to the ERP so that we could actually fulfill the order,” says Craig Matusinksi, Ecommerce Director at Kevins Worldwide. “And obviously, that takes a lot of time and opens us up for a lot of mistakes.” Staff were getting pulled into manual processes instead of having the time to cultivate customer relationships and focus on products and services.

Kevins Worldwide decided to switch to Acumatica as their ERP to have a cloud based solution that was easy to scale their business. They partnered with Harsha Sarjapur, Acumatica VAR at InfoSourcing Inc., to build a custom integration solution that automated sales order and fulfillment processes between 3dcart and Acumatica. Eventually, however, they wanted to support other ecommerce platforms that would enhance their industry-specific ecommerce solution.

The challenge

When Kevins decided to offer BrightStores and Magento as alternative ecommerce platforms for their customers as part of their business solution, they approached InfoSourcing their ERP partner, having developed such integrations Kevins knew this would be lengthy development processes again.

For the Acumatica and 3dcart integration, “It took us a lot of time and effort to build it,” says Sarjapur. “We had to build all the integration and the logic to import orders and sync them.” In all, it took 6-8 months to perfect the 3dcart solution. “Upon consulting with our client we looked for alternative solutions to build rich integration with lesser development time and cost, scalable solution was on our mind.”

Ongoing maintenance was also time consuming. “We want to make sure all integration works, especially if we’re having high volume of 40 to 50 commerce sites. So it really becomes time intensive in terms of our development team.“

The last two years were a huge investment, so the cost of developing such niche solutions really falls on the customer [Kevins].” Though integrations are completed, “if something changes tomorrow, for instance, 3dcart changes its API or if they do any changes, then me, as a provider, I have to go figure that out and then get all these things done again, so it’s going to take many number of hours to do that.”

Repeating the process for BrightStores, Magento and other ecommerce platforms was not a scalable or cost effective option.

The solution

Acumatica introduced Sarjapur to Celigo to provide a simpler solution that could easily scale. Kevins worked closely with InfoSourcing and Celigo to gather key business requirements and processes for automation. The solution focused on:

  • Prebuilt API Connectors for multiple eCommerce integrations with Acumatica.
  • Ease of changing eCommerce endpoints without incurring excessive costs.
  • Simple enough for Kevins’ eCommerce staff to handle errors and minor changes vs passing to developers.

By choosing Celigo, InfoSourcing was relieved of API maintenance. According to Sarjapur, “That was really a crucial decision that we had to make because I don’t have to really catch up with all the APIs, all the different e-commerce sites, and new versions. The time taken to do that would be much lesser going forward. That was the key factor.” Additionally, “Celigo allows us to define our order processing rules for contacts, shipping address and even managing Canadian tax rules.

InfoSourcing used Celigo’s iPaaS platform to build an integration between BrightStores and Acumatica for one of Kevins’ clients. While the cost of developing such niche solutions could be time-consuming and costly to Kevins, with Celigo, they were able to minimize costs. Celigo “has a team that can really go through and give us the solution that we need so that we can process those API calls into meaningful data that we can process,” says Sarjapur. “We really have a plug and play concept where we enabled BrightStores and orders are coming in.”

Bottom line

As a result of using Celigo, Kevins Worldwide now has a complete eCommerce solution. Instead of offering a cookie-cutter solution, they provide the flexibility to support various business requirements and eCommerce platforms without jeopardizing ROI.

For Matusinski, it means having more visibility and control while streamlining processes for their small eCommerce team. “I found it to be very user friendly and any tweaks or changes that I’ve had to make have been very easy and the errors are very clear.” In addition, with the health monitoring dashboard it’s “easy to tell if there is an issue – if all the orders came in correctly, and if they didn’t, what the problem was.”

Just as Kevins Worldwide offers a holistic approach to its B2B customers to help streamline business processes, Celigo’s platform allows companies to streamline integration with thousands of different endpoints all from one interface that is simple enough for tech savvy business users.

“I’m a big believer of platform.s Acumatica is a great Cloud ERP platform, and I’ve found Celigo to be one of the great iPaaS platforms,” says Sarjapur. “Going forward, if we need to enable any ecommerce integrations with Kevins whether it’s Brightstores, 3dcart, Magento, or any other integration, then we can quickly launch it using Celigo.”

I found it to be very user friendly and any tweaks or changes that I’ve had to make have been very easy and the errors are very clear. When you run into an issue its very easy to tell what the problem was.

Craig Matusinski,


Kevin’s WorldWide,


Coffee Inc.