Customer Success Story

CommsChoice Fills Their Data Gaps With the iPaaS that Changes With Them

“There is a pretty stark difference comparing Celigo to the other platforms we tried out in terms of being able to quickly set up and deploy flows. I think the agile nature of is its key differentiator.”

Adam DeGruyter

Systems Manager,





Sydney, New South Wales

Products Used


CommsChoice offers cloud communications for businesses to help them stay connected to their customers. Their communications platform has a global presence with more than 25 locations around the world. Affer going public in 2017 as a result of 5 companies merging together, CommsChoice is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange under the ticker CCG.


Adam DeGruyter, Systems Manager, is responsible for managing all of CommsChoice’s core systems. The most crucial systems that CommsChoice uses are NetSuite for billing & delivery, and Salesforce for case management & sales. In addition to NetSuite and Salesforce, CommsChoice’s business systems make use of Oice 365, marketing automation tools, the website, SBCs, and more.

The challenge

Although NetSuite and Salesforce both hosted critical data for doing business, there was no way for that data to flow between those two applications. This created a gap in sales orders that required integrations to solve.

The significant breadth of CommsChoice’s business systems carried additional requirements. Adam and his team needed a solution that could build and deploy integrations quickly, while simultaneously being robust enough to connect anything in CommsChoice’s ecosystem. It was vital to find a platform that could balance speed and ease of use while being flexible enough to change with the future needs of the business.

The solution

CommsChoice investigated a number of different integration solutions to connect Salesforce and NetSuite, and it quickly became apparent which would fit their needs. Of the selection process, Adam said: “We looked at a few options and Celigo was one of the only viable solutions. NetSuite themselves recommended it.” CommsChoice quickly implemented the NetSuite-Salesforce Integration App, and Adam said he appreciated the help he received from Celigo’s implementation team, especially since they were also working on implementing a NetSuite project at the same time.

Once CommsChoice was onboarded with Celigo, Adam’s team got to work setting up flows that would sync sales order transactions, contact information and other files between Salesforce and NetSuite. They found that the extended platform perfectly fit the business ecosystem’s requirements for ease of use and deployment, as it simplified what would otherwise be time-consuming and complex on other integration platforms. “We can quickly map new fields from one platform to another using the visual guide without having to have a certificate in APIs,” Adam said.

Bottom line

Since CommsChoice’s core systems are fairly robust, the ability to automate processes and minimize the time spent on integration maintenance is particularly important to Adam and his team. Although they had worked with developer-centric integration solutions in the past, these were fairly time-consuming and complex tools that were not feasible for the company’s needs. In comparison, they greatly appreciated the straightforward simplicity of Celigo’s solution, without compromising on function. “When building out new connections, mapping the fields is as simple as it’s ever going to get,” Adam remarked.

CommsChoice plans to expand their use of to integrate some of their other systems, made possibly by the fact that can connect anything to anything. The speed and flexibility of the platform will continue to support CommsChoice’s future initiatives.

Celigo is pretty flexible on what we can do with them, which is pretty unique for a SaaS company. I’ve dealt with a lot of companies, and I know that other companies can be pretty rigid. Whatever application we end up using, it’s pleasing to hear that Celigo works with us.

Adam DeGruyter,


Systems Manager,

