Published Nov 17, 2022
Magento Connector for NetSuite provides comprehensive field mapping capabilities

Magento Connector for NetSuite — Sep 2015 (Version 3.4.3) is here!
What’s new?
- Support for Magento Community Edition v1.9.2.1.
- Realtime Customer Import flow from Magento to NetSuite now supports updating the address lines on NetSuite customer record when there is an update to corresponding address line records in Magento. Previously the flow would create a new address line for each update operation. This feature can enabled by contacting our support team.
- Realtime Order Import flow from Magento to NetSuite now allows mapping Magento order shipping cost against a single NetSuite line item of your choice instead of mapping it to the body level field Shipping Cost on the NetSuite Sales Order record. This feature can enabled by contacting our support team.
- Item Attributes Import flow from Magento into NetSuite now also supports deleting the Magento attributes and attribute values inside of NetSuite if the corresponding attribute or attribute values are deleted manually in Magento. This ensures that the Magento attributes & attribute values are always in sync in both the systems.
What’s improved?
- Improved user experience by categorizing some of the custom fields for Magento Connector inside of NetSuite into separate sub-sections.
- For transaction records, all the Magento variance fields now show up under “MG Variances” sub-section under “Magento” subtab.
- For item records, all the Magento image fields now show up under “MG Images” sub-section under “Magento” subtab.
- Improved the error message when there is a failure in Order Export flow from NetSuite to Magento due to order line items being out of stock in Magento.
What’s fixed?
- Fixed an issue where orders would NOT import from Magento into NetSuite because the “Bill To” and “Ship To” fields are mandatory on your Sales Order form in NetSuite.
- Fixed an issue where creation of multiple customer records with same value for Magento Idfield in NetSuite would fail the import of subsequent orders from Magento into NetSuite during Order Import flow.
- Fixed an issue introduced by the last release (v3.4.2) where Magento sub-admins were not able to see the content on the “Manage Sales Orders” page within Magento admin portal.