Customer Success Story

Genomic Health Improves Revenue Recognition Process with

“The data warehouse team is so happy with the turnaround time for changes to the integration,” said Brian, What used to take six months, I can now do myself in a day or two. It’s so easy to use.”





Redwood City, CA

Products Used


Genomic Health, Inc. was founded in 2000, with the goal of developing high-value diagnostics to enable more personalized cancer treatment decisions based on the genomic activity within a patient’s individual tumor. Today Genomic Health is the leading provider of genomic-based diagnostic tests that address both the overtreatment and optimal treatment of early-stage cancer. Genomic Health has over 900 employees, with offices in the U.S. and Europe.


Genomic Health works within and is paid through the insurance industry, so their financial processes are quite complex. Until recently, Genomic Health had been using their data warehouse (EDW) to manage revenue recognition. However, because the data warehouse does not work within the ERP system (NetSuite), all revenue information was handled and stored within the data warehouse. As a result, the financial data needed for income statements and balance sheets had to be transferred from the data warehouse into NetSuite; using an entirely home-grown process. The fact that original financial data was not stored in NetSuite and revenue recognition was being managed by the data warehouse soon became an issue for the insurance industry auditors who regularly review Genomic Health’s accounts.

The challenge

In order to satisfy the insurance industry auditors, Genomic Health needed a better financial process. They could no longer use their data warehouse to store financial data and then move it into NetSuite. Instead, they needed to keep financial information within NetSuite and find a way to allow the data warehouse team to access and pull the data they needed, in the format they needed for their own reporting requirements. Brian Weiss, IT director at Genomic Health came up with a unique and workable solution.

The solution

Genomic Health now uses Celigo to streamline and simplify their revenue recognition process. Today, all accounting information is stored in NetSuite. And, using NetSuite’s saved search feature, Brian built custom integrations using Celigo to extract data from the saved searches and securely transfer it to an SFTP site. The EDW team can access the data at their convenience, pull it into the warehouse and run their reports as needed.

This new process not only satisfies the auditors, but it also suits the data warehouse team as well.

Because Brian built the Celigo integrations so that they connect to specific saved searches, the EDW team can pull the necessary data using unique columns, headings, etc., for each request, ensuring they receive the information the way they need it and in a format that they can use without having to spend time manipulating it. Brian has also found that if the EDW team needs any changes to the integration, he can quickly and easily make updates himself. “The data warehouse team is so happy with the turnaround time for changes to the integration,” said Brian, “What used to take six months, I can now do myself in a day or two. It’s so easy to use.” When he first started the project, Brian spoke with a Celigo technical rep a couple of times, but after that, he has been able to figure out how to build, maintain and update the integrations on his own.

Brian enjoys several other Celigo benefits as well. “Celigo is very stable,” said Brian. “We run these extracts and data transfers consistently – nearly every day, and we haven’t had any problems at all. I’m so pleased with Celigo and”

Brian also likes that he can manage the Celigo integrations using his cell phone. “I can manage the Celigo integration from almost anywhere,” said Brian. “If there’s a failure in an extract, I can just log on to Celigo with my cell phone and kick that integration off. And, once the issue is resolved, I can restart it from my phone. This is a big benefit for us.”

Bottom line

When deciding on which integration platform to use for his project, Brian looked at other options but chose Celigo for several reasons. “I’m an ERP guy, and I’m not super technical,” said Brian. “So, when I looked at my options and compared the ease-of-use to build and maintain the integrations, the implementation time, and the pricing, Celigo soon stood out as the best option.”

Brian Weiss and the EDW team are very happy with the custom integrations Brian was able to build using the Celigo platform. And, Brian has plans to use Celigo to integrate other cloud-based systems used by Genomic Health.

Currently, he is talking to the HR team about the benefits of integrating SalesForce with their HR system. He believes the non-technical HR team will have no problem using the intuitive UI and dashboard to monitor the integration and fix any errors that may occur.

“With, it seems you can literally connect anything to anything,” said Brian. “And, I really like that I can build the integrations myself and have them up and running in days rather than waiting weeks or months that the other vendors estimated.”

Getting both the Finance and Sales teams the information they needed in one place with no disruption to the business was a huge win for us.

Brett Olsen,


Head of Business Systems,

