Published Jan 8, 2024

Product Release: New Digital Advertising Integrations


Celigo, a leader in ecommerce integration-driven automation, announces the release of several new connectors designed to automate key business processes for digital advertising across social and search channels. As digital advertising evolves – with the emergence of new social channels, brands, retailers, and resellers must connect with their audiences on these platforms to attract new customers and expand business growth.

In ecommerce, marketing campaigns often grow in complexity, spanning multiple channels, and demand meticulous planning and precise execution. Inefficient management can lead to wasted ad spending on inaccurate or out-of-stock products. Brands must clearly understand individual channel performance before allocating their advertising budget. Additionally, automations via native or point-to-point integrations can fall short due to limited functionality and poor scalability, and manually managing product listings across multiple channels can be resource-intensive, leading to potential errors and increased operational costs.

Celigo’s new marketing automation solutions help optimize ad spending, boost campaign performance, and help companies advertise the launch of new products faster. With this release, Celigo offers prebuilt connectors specifically designed for popular social and search advertising platforms, including:

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook (Meta)
  • Instagram (Meta)
  • TikTok

These connectors ensure a seamless data exchange between search and social advertising platforms, data warehouses, product information management systems, ERPs, ecommerce platforms, and other essential business applications.


Enhance omnichannel marketing with Celigo’s new portfolio of integrations for social and search platforms.

Features and Benefits:

Automate Product Listings Across Advertising Platforms

With social and search digital marketing automation, new prebuilt connectors are available for major ecommerce advertising platforms and product information management systems. Businesses can seamlessly integrate and auto-update their product listings, enhancing their marketing campaigns. A self-service, business-friendly UI gives teams full visibility and control of their integrations.

Essential product details like SKUs, titles, categories, and pricing are pivotal in digital ad campaigns. Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of this data is vital for conversions, as it provides shoppers with the necessary information to find and purchase products.

Several new features include:

  • Rapidly set up new channels and extend your reach by advertising your products wherever shoppers are most engaged.
  • Streamline catalog updates to convert more customers with accurate and consistent listings across channels.
  • Connect to any product data source such as a PIM, CMS, ecommerce platform, or ERP.
  • Enhance your data by connecting new channel sources as they become available.

Additionally, Celigo allows users to customize the frequency of their updates based on evolving business needs.

Automatically list products and report campaign performance across digital advertising channels.

Automate Data Warehousing of Campaign Data for Accelerated Reporting and Analytics

With the new prebuilt connectors for platforms like Google, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, users can utilize existing integrations for data warehouses like Snowflake, Google BigQuery, and Amazon Redshift. These connectors allow users to seamlessly integrate and automatically sync campaign data, including ad spend and impressions, from advertising channels to their data warehouses.

  • Load campaign data from advertising platforms into a data warehouse for accelerated reprting and analysis
  • Easily add new data sources and applications as they become needed

This streamlined process facilitates faster reporting and analytics. With up-to-date insights on campaign performance, marketers can make informed decisions on where to allocate their ad budgets more effectively.

Consolidate and analyze ad campaign data from your data warehouse.

Key Outcomes for Streamlined Marketing Campaigns

Omnichannel Growth
Businesses can rapidly expand their reach across advertising channels, connecting with more shoppers and showcasing a broader product range.

Efficiency and Resource Saving
Automation eliminates the need for manual catalog updates, saving significant time and marketing resources.

Optimized Ad Spend
With accurate product listings and swift data reporting, businesses can enhance their ad spend efficiency and overall campaign performance.

Refine the Value of Your Data
Take data-driven actions like prioritizing channel investments by automatically bringing campaign data into your data warehouse for real-time analysis.

Endless Flexibility with Custom Integrations

Celigo supports custom integrations that can connect any application to any other. Unlike point-to-point integrations, conventional channel management, or feed management applications, Celigo provides a unified platform to integrate and automate all business processes across the enterprise, ensuring cost-effectiveness and scalability.

Celigo’s new portfolio of connectors will revolutionize how mid-market and enterprise B2C ecommerce brands and retailers approach digital advertising. By addressing the emerging challenges of the digital advertising landscape and offering scalable, customizable solutions, Celigo is empowering businesses to be more competitive, ensuring they harness the full potential of their strategic efforts and advertising budget.

Learn how to optimize ad spend, boost campaign performance, and save time and resources.

Start your automation journey today.