Published Mar 4, 2024

Unleash your data: Harness NetSuite Analytics Warehouse for business success

3 key takeaways
  • Leverage a data warehouse to consolidate and analyze data.
  • Utilize NetSuite Analytics Warehouse for ready-to-use analytics and insights.
  • Optimize NetSuite Analytics Warehouse with integration.


In the ever-changing world of digital transformation, effectively managing and deriving value from data is crucial. Unfortunately, data can easily end up siloed in different systems across the tech and data stack, leading to discrepancies and a lack of visibility across teams.

So, how do you get an up to date and complete view of your data? Leverage a data warehouse as your single source of truth for consolidating and analyzing data. With a data warehouse as your foundation for both strategic and operational decision-making, you can ensure you’re leading your business in the right direction.

Oracle NetSuite offers a data warehouse and analytics platform, NetSuite Analytics Warehouse, prebuilt for the NetSuite ERP. Let’s unpack its capabilities and how you can optimize them by integrating all of your relevant data sources with Celigo.

The foundation of data-driven success

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse is a cloud-based data and analytics solution that brings together business data and ready-to-use analytics to deliver insights and accelerate the decision-making process within the NetSuite ecosystem. These insights can help you improve your business across teams from operations to marketing.

Here are a few benefits you could see by using the platform:

  • Improved customer experiences: Analyze ticket data against order and fulfillment details to identify common issues and proactively address them.
  • Reduced labor costs: Assess order demand against labor schedules to optimize workforce utilization.
  • Reduced shipping costs: Review past performance and determine the optimal shipping partners.
  • Increased sales pipeline: Analyze ad spend and inventory levels to calculate accurate forecasts and ensure timely promotions.
  • Optimized channel cost: Evaluate the impact of supplier vendors and make better purchase decisions and forecasts.
  • A single view of the business: Access all your data in one place and determine end-to-end performance metrics.

How it works

Celigo centralizes all your data from your NetSuite ERP and other systems in the ecosystem into your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. This allows you to analyze your data from multiple sources. Myers-Holum can build easily digestible analytical dashboards and insights that you can share with your teams.

With these enhanced data insights, you can align teams, streamline the data stack, and reduce IT costs and complexity.

Taking NetSuite Analytics Warehouse to the next level

While implementing NetSuite Analytics Warehouse is a great start, if the platform isn’t integrated across your applications, its capabilities will remain limited. Maximize your investment by integrating your systems with Celigo’s iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) and Myers-Holum’s performance enhancement services.

The Celigo platform enables you to easily connect your entire tech stack with NetSuite Analytics Warehouse to make sure your data is right where you need it. Utilizing the Celigo platform to integrate third-party applications, you will gain a single logical view of your data and applications.

Myers-Holum streamlines operations, financials, and business processes by partnering with best-in-industry cloud software innovators, including NetSuite. Myers-Holum can help you implement these integrations. They can also deliver analytical insights across all of your business applications in the form of KPIs, dashboards, published reports, and interactive data visualizations.

By optimizing your use of NetSuite Analytics Warehouse and your entire datastack, you can see a range of benefits such as:

  • Easily accessible data insights across all channels
  • The ability to create accountability and foster a data-driven culture
  • A user-friendly platform that’s easy to use for all your teams

Get started today

Start integrating today to capture the full potential of your data. You’ll gain a reliable source of truth for all your data and the actionable insights you need to drive better business decisions. To dive deeper into this topic, check out the on-demand webinar, “Unlock the power of NetSuite Analytics Warehouse with Celigo iPaaS and Myers-Holum.”