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On Demand Webinar

Quarterly Integrator.io Product Update

Please join us for our Quarterly Integrator.io Product Update. Check out what’s new with Celigo integrator.io, and see demos of our cool new features.

In this on-demand webinar, we have lots of exciting updates to share, including a major update to error management for platform and Integration Apps, new JavaScript debugging features, new delegated Admin features, and more! 

Topics that we discuss include:

  • New connectors available
  • Walk-through of Error Management 2.0
  • Using JS debugging tools
  • How to setup delegated Admins in your account
  • New delete function for NetSuite 

Watch Now!

Full Webinar Transcript
Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, everyone. Thanks for joining our Q1, 2021 quarterly update for our integrator.io platform. Couple of notes of housekeeping. We are recording the session. You will get a copy of it in your inbox in the morning. We have a Q&A panel. So please ask any questions in that Q&A, and we’ll get to them during the session itself. I’m Kim Loughead. I’m VP of Product Marketing for Celigo. I have with me my esteemed colleague, Matt Graney, who is VP of Product Management here at Celigo. And we have a lot of information to share with you today, so let’s get started. So first of all, before I hand it off to Matt, I want to say one word of, “Thank you to you our Celigo community, Celigo family.” We managed to win a very prestigious award in 2021, which is Top 50 Best Software Provider in G2 Crowd. So this is something that you have to earn. It’s not something you can buy. And it’s earned by customer reviews, and that comes from you guys. So we’re not going to do a bunch of chest-thumping here. It’s really to thank you for your continued support, your climbing to the top of the mountains and shouting our praises to anyone who will listen. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And with that, I’m going to hand it off to Matt, and we’ll get into all the great stuff that we’ve delivered this quarter. Thanks, Kim. And even before I do that, this speaks, I think, a bit to the Celigo community. For those of you who aren’t already participating, we have, on our knowledge base, docs.celigo.com, a pretty active community now. Beginning to see more and more cases where customers are answering each other’s queries. Obviously, they’re also enhancement requests being posted there, and pretty good follow-up, including from members directly on my team, our docs team, user experience, and product managers. So if you’re not already participating in that, I would encourage you to check it out and see what we have in store there. All right. So to the main event now. Let’s begin by just talking about our release cadence. I’ve been with Celigo four years. I think when I joined, we were doing weekly releases, which was a frenetic pace. And as time went by, of course, things stabilized a little bit. Customers said, “Please stop shipping new stuff.” So we slowed it down to monthly. And we’ve just begun now to do quarterly releases. So here is what we’re looking at, that is subject to change. We’re actually looking to publish these on celigo.com, somewhere, so stay tuned for more information on that. But you can see the idea. We have quarterly releases. February 1 is, of course, what we’re here to talk about today. And we’re looking at doing the middle of Q2, the middle of Q3, and then rather than do the middle of Q4, which would be mid-November, and way too close to the holiday shopping period, we’re moving that one forward into October. Correspondingly, we have maintenance releases, of course, more or less on an as-needed basis when there are important issues that are not quite patch worthy, ones that we don’t want to wait till the next quarterly release. We’ll have maintenance releases approximately one month after the platform release. We would skip the maintenance release in Q3. Because we have that October platform release coming hot on the heels, right, it’s a shorter development period, but that’s roughly what we’re looking at. And again, we will publish these dates so you have ready access to them. We’ve heard consistently from you, you need to plan around our changes as well to make sure everything continues to operate as you would expect. All right. So let’s get into the meat of the presentation, about the things that we’ve released and enhanced. So I’m going to cover six things. A few new connectors we’ve released and some updates. Error Management 2.0 we’ll have at the end of presentation. Well, some information about a special webinar we’re doing in a couple of weeks time. So stay tuned for news of that. We’ve released some JavaScript debugging capabilities, delegated admins. We now support the NetSuite delete function and the developer playground. I imagine for some of you you haven’t even seen it before, but it’s been there for a little while and really is a great way to familiarize yourself with other parts of the tool and to do a lot of testing in a pretty safe environment. All right. So let’s get started. The first thing I wanted to cover was new connectors. So in our February release, we pushed a number of new connectors, the most notable being these. You notice we’re putting these in the context of the sort of business processes where you would use them. So obviously with Intercom, it’s typically like chat and customer interaction software. So it’s a lot around collaboration. We’re all familiar with Google Drive, Clover as a point of sale. Software FlexBiz I believe, if I recall, is related to it’s a type of BRP and then quote to cash with price effects. And because we’re not too far away from that March release, we have a lot coming in in the maintenance release, as well. Microsoft Teams. We’ve had Slack support for ages. We’re adding support for Microsoft Teams to support all those same use cases. Adobe signed a couple of CRMs and related in quote to cash with PopDrive and Freshwork CRM. PrestaShop, I think we’ve heard a lot of requests for that from our European customers and then pay-out to reconciliation. You may know we have a business process app where we’re adding a number of payment gateways and this is sort of part of our overall support for that business process. And I think you’ll hear much more from Celigo in 2021 about business processes. What we have with the integration apps, with templates we have the ability to support whole business processes rather than just individual flows and it’s what we’re hearing from you. You appreciate the fact that we’ve done the research. We understand best practices around business processes. And so along with these connectors, of course, you can expect to see templates along the same lines, as well. From an update point of view, I won’t spend much time here, but part of our responsibility, of course, is to try to keep connectors up-to-date. Most APIs are pretty forgiving in terms of being backwards compatible and they don’t duplicate functionality too quickly, but it’s important for us to stay on top of these things and you see all of those links today. We sort of are keeping an eye on this all the time. Okay. So that’s it for connectors. Now, let me move on to Error Management 2.0. We’ve talked about this a little bit before. It’s a new way of doing error management in Integrator.io available now for both do-it-yourself integrations as well as our customers running our integration apps, and it really addresses two main needs. The first is around visibility, making it easier to see what’s going on at runtime, and then providing more detail to more actionable emails. The email notifications we had, and many of you still have if you’re not yet on Error Management 2.0, really don’t tell you all that much. A failure of some sort has occurred, and you need to go into integrator.io to understand. And what we’ve done with Error Management 2.0 is provide a lot more context in the email itself. And given sometimes integration errors really are upstream of the platform, right? It might be a data entry issue upstream, and so the fix for the issue isn’t in the platform. But if you have an email that tells you exactly what’s going on, it may then be possible just to forward the email, say, to the data entry person or someone upstream to handle, and then it’s just going to be a matter of rerunning the flow. So better visibility, and the other is convenience. Just make it a lot easier to navigate. Make it easier to understand the user experience around retries. And these are sort of important themes that we’ll continue to build upon as Error Management 2.0 continues. So from a new feature point of view, the first is about retry. In the past, it was a little difficult to understand the status of retries, including if a retry failed. You might just see it as a failure and not that it’s a retry of the failure that results in new errors, okay. So we’re making that a bit easier. You can see a status here, retry and complete. But if the retry itself failed, you can see an error message saying that the retry itself failed. So that’s that’s one. The other is the ability to filter errors by source or by timestamp. So this was a very wide screenshot, so I kind of truncated a little bit here. But you can see you have the option then of filtering by timestamp or by source. And source here means which part of the flow was it that generated the error, that reported the error. Let me just switch over to integrator.io to show you a little bit. So actually, if I go back to the home screen, one of the things that we get with Error Management 2.0 is better visibility. So here, we’ve always had this ability to see at the top level how many errors there are in a given flow, but now we see it in this listing within the integration tile. That’s not something we had before. And then when you go into the integration, you can see which bubbles, if you will, the errors are occurring on. Then, of course, when you click in here, you can see the details of the error. Here’s what we said about the source, all the different places where errors could occur. So we’ve got the full list of all the possible steps within the flow. And then from a timestamp point of view, obviously, you can do some custom stuff as well as choose from a number of presets. And so in terms of retry, I’m not going to wait to show it retrying, but if I click on retry, it’s going to give me information here that it’s retrying. And then later we’ll be able to see on the resolved errors what it did and how things went. So that’s really an important change, and we’ll come back to the demo here in just a second to show you a couple of other things. So Error Management 2.0 is an important change for us, and it’s being rolled out gradually. And there are sort of steps over a number of months. We began this, of course, in Q4 but as we go forward. So with our February release, it’s now available for all customers to opt in. In the past, if you were running an integration app, there were still some things we were working on where you couldn’t choose to go to Error Management because it wasn’t quite going to work right. So in February, we’ve removed those limitations, and it’s now available for all customers to opt in. You can read the documentation to find out exactly how to do that, but basically it requires the owner of the account to do the opt-in. And also bear in mind that this is a one-way street. Right? We are moving to this. You’ll see that eventually we’re going to deprecate the current way we do Error Management, and so you may choose to wait a little bit before taking advantage and see how it goes for everyone else. But it is available now, and once you go, there’s no turning back, so. We’ve been pretty careful with our QA of this, as you can imagine. So in March, in our maintenance release, we’ll have some additional features, then we’re planning in April to kind of not do anything. We don’t have a major release going out in May. There will be some new features, and we’re going to talk about all of those in this dedicated Error Management webinar that I mentioned coming up in a couple of weeks’ time. We will have the details of that at the end of this presentation. And then in June, we’re really making a more aggressive turn at that point. So by that stage, all new IO accounts will default to Error Management 2.0, and the target at this point is that all existing accounts will be migrated. So we’re confident in this plan, but we’re also not going to be kind of blind to realities. If along the way we see any issues, of course, we will be addressing them. But we’re watching this very closely, and I think you’ll find the overall user experience of Error Management will be vital to you in terms of bringing more information forward and ultimately reducing the total cost of ownership for your integration. So we’re excited to share more. As I said, a webinar coming up in a couple of weeks. We’ll have a lot more detail than what I’ve covered here. Okay. So the next thing here is the JavaScript debugger. We’ve had JavaScript in the product for almost two years now, and while there was debugging at design time where you could do some error messages and so on and sort of track the flow while designing, you couldn’t see a runtime view of this. So now we’ve added this in our February release, and all the screenshots show you where you can get to it. So basically, there’s a new scripts tab that I’ll show you in a second live in the product, and then if you have these log functions in line with this VA console API, you can then see the messages written to the logs. So let me just switch over to show you what that looks like in the product. So on this same flow, I have a bit of JavaScript here. It’s really not doing anything but just for the purposes of illustration. So the first thing to note is that any scripts that I’m using are now accessible from here. So obviously I’m using a function from this script. If I was running functions from multiple scripts, all would be listed. Now I can see the execution log from here, and that’s going to open a new tab for me. So now it’s Q121 demo and it’s the execution log, and then from here, I can choose to start debugging, which means if I were to do that, I can choose the duration of debugging. Obviously, if you’re doing the debugging, typically you’re in the middle of something. You’re trying to track down a problem. So we don’t intend this to be the sort of thing you leave on indefinitely. So what I’ve done, too, is if I go into this little JavaScript, you’ll see I’ve got a sample data just talking to my own Asana project, actually, task tracking. And then I have some console logging here. And if I hit preview, you’ll see what the output is down here. There are one records in here. And the typical way we see this work, if I collapse that and maybe create another record and now hit preview again, there are now two records, okay? So that would tell me, “All right, it looks like it’s working given this sample data.” So I’d be happy with that, but then at runtime, I want to see exactly what’s going on. And if I hit the refresh button, of course, it’s only looking at what’s happened in the last 15 minutes, but this is filterable. I did some last night, so if I change this to the last twenty four hours, you should see it’s fetching it there. Let’s see. Well, maybe I don’t have any in this one after all, but this is where we’ll see all the error messages. So you can see again, there are different types of JavaScript functions at different stages. You might have written JavaScript for your filters and transforms. So they’re all available here and then all the different error messages. So this is what will allow us very easily then to see exactly what’s going on for your JavaScript. All right. So this is an important improvement for us. We’ve heard about this quite a bit, of course, and happy to have delivered it in February. The next thing I want to talk about is multiple account admins. So as many of you will know, we typically have had three different types of users. There’s the account owner, a manager, or a monitor. And managers and monitors might have access only to certain tiles or could be at the account level, but because we only had one owner account, that had sort of the most privileges. So in terms of being able to invite other users, creating API tokens, modifying permissions, all of that stuff, it was all concentrated into the owner and that meant that you were forced to share the credentials. Of course, we hope that was being done safely with some sort of password management tool, but still, it’s not really a good practice. And so we listened to that feedback, of course, and in this release, we’ve introduced a new administrator role. And the short version of this is it is at the whole account level, and it can do everything the owner can do except, of course, transfer the ownership. So that means the admin can invite users, change the permissions, it can even invite and create other admins, okay? And then as admin-like things occur, all admins and the owner get notified via email of sort of important happenings in the product, so there’s still good visibility of what’s going on. So this is an important change for the broader adoption of the product, and I look forward to hearing your feedback on how you’re using that in the wild. So that’s multiple account admins. A long-standing request had been around support for the delete operation in NetSuite. So we’ve often been asked about our philosophy when it comes to delete, and with integration, I guess you could say with great power comes great responsibility. If you’re not careful with the delete operation, you could end up deleting a lot more than you expect, and through the power of automation, automatically delete a whole bunch of stuff you didn’t want to delete. So our recommendation has typically been to use what we call a soft delete. So basically to set a flag that says, yes, this record should be deleted and then use that flag to eliminate those records from searches and then eventually maybe manually and very carefully go through and delete any records with such a flag set. So that’s really a safe practice that has served us well. However, there are still use cases where even programmatically, you want to have deletes. And so with this, we’re adding support for deletion of records and files. And you see here there’s a new delete operation, and it allows, well as the name suggests, to either delete specific records or files and attachments from records or out of the filing cabinet. So we have docs on how to use this, of course, so I won’t go into it further but know that’s something that we’d heard quite a bit as well. I’m happy to have delivered that. One other bit of news around NetSuite is the ongoing changes in NetSuite, authentication. Celigo’s been in the NetSuite space for a long time, and so we’ve followed the evolution of NetSuite authentication options pretty carefully. Now, of course, the much preferred means of integration would be via token-based auth, but we still have customers that have basic auth. But the end of the road for that is approaching with the first half release of NetSuite, 2021.1. And so we will allow anyone that’s already using basic auth to continue to use it, but any new accounts, any new connections that you try to create will not. It’s not us in a way. NetSuite is moving this way. It’s a much better practice and as we move or as the apps that we support move to the Celigo move. So we, of course, know who’s using what and if there are any specific updates required, we’ll be in touch, but I’m sure, too, that you’re hearing similar stories. If you’re a NetSuite customer, you’re hearing similar stories from NetSuite. Okay, the final thing I wanted to talk about was the playground. Let me actually switch over to the product for a second. So you need to be in developer mode so if I just switch over to my profile, if you’re in developer mode down here, then if you are a manager or above at the application– sorry, from a permissions point of view, you’ll have under the tools menu this dev playground. And this was, originally, as the name suggests, it was a playground actually for our own developers as we were developing editors, the different editors, that you see in the product, because it gave us a way of seeing inside the product exactly how these things were going to work and to play with sample data. So we’ve made this a lot easier, now, just the navigability of this. You can just choose any one of these, and you immediately get relevant sample records. I think auto preview is already checked and so you can immediately see what’s going on. I see this a lot. Even internally, people are saying, “Hey, how can I use handlebars to do a particular operation?” Well, here, you can easily play around. You don’t have to mess with your production data, but it’s an easy way of seeing what’s going on. So this is really, really valuable. Of course, if you hit preview, you can get everything evaluated down here and this has all the same sorts of capabilities, like ready access to the various handlebar functions just by hitting the double mustaches here, as they call them, in the handlebar space. So that’s a big change on these editors. The other is sort of as a bit of an Easter egg, you could say. We’ve got an integration explorer. So you remember my earlier flow here was this Asana NetSuite one. Now, we sort of have a tree based view where we can see everything. I can see the various components of my integration, so I can pretty much navigate all the different parts of it quite easily, I can see the connection and if I want to from here, I can go directly to the flow builder. This, as I said, is a bit of an Easter egg, but it’s kind of a handy way of navigating and I think it foretells perhaps some changes we may make in future to the home dashboard, right? Here at the moment, you can see them for this. This is a demo account I use. It’s got a ton of different integrations in here, and we know some of you have many as well. And it’s not always easy to navigate, right, when you’re dealing with these boxes. So having a list view, as we’ve shown here, is an interesting possibility that I imagine we will see make its way into the product itself in the future. So that’s pretty much what the slide said. I just thought it might be better to show here. So, again, you’ve got ready access to all the different editors, and then you can navigate directly to your integrations from this menu, so that’s an important change. All right. So that’s the end of the prepared material. We had a lot in February that we didn’t cover, so I encourage you to check out the release notes that you can find in the knowledge base, docs.celigo.com, but for now, I think we will turn back to our host to see if there are any questions. Yep. We got a few. So we’ll just start with the first one here from Paul. So Paul asks, “Along with Authorized.net, are you planning to create a connector with ConvergePay? I don’t know off the top of my head, Kim. I’m not sure, but we can take a look at that one. Maybe it’s worth saying also, how do we decide, okay? How do we decide what to support? So I hinted at that, I think, when I said we’re looking very much from a business process point of view. And I don’t know of ConvergePay, but obviously, it must be a payment gateway or payment solution in some respect. So it could fit. So that’s number one. It has to match with business process we care about. And the other is, how well does it line up with the sorts of things our market wants? Now, obviously, we have one interested party. We’re always curious to hear more about that. So we focus ourselves at the low to the mid-range or mid-market companies. What are the types of applications that they’re interested in? If you have specific ones, of course, let us know and we’ll make a note of this one as well. And I assume we know who specifically asked that question, so we can get back to you. But that’s the rationale we use. We think first about the business process, and then about the apps that are important in the target market we’re working with. And that could even be from ecosystem point of view. We talk about what’s common in the NetSuite space, what’s common in the Dynamic space. And then the other could be geo. I think that PrestaShop that I mentioned is much more prevalent in Europe. And there might be others as well that we don’t run into in North America, but are important to our European customers. So there are the sort of the filters that we use when considering which apps we should support. Okay. Thanks a lot, Matt. And just to add a bit to that. So every other week, we basically look at a list of potential connectors that have come in from various sources. Sales, my team, which is product marketing, the product management team under Matt, as well as our alliance team. And we sort of prioritize with the goal of getting 20 or so released per quarter. So we’re ramping up to that velocity. But yeah, your input, if you’re seeing something that we’re potentially not seeing or you’re more on the bleeding edge, we’re definitely all yours to input that. But– I would add too, of course, that we have connectors, HTTP or Respite’s connectors, that will often be able to connect. So it’s not like you’ll often be blocked. But obviously, having a pre-built connector makes it a bit easier. We’re conscious of that. We’ll help you if we can. Right. So next question. I think this may actually just be a licensing issue with this particular person, but I want to just make sure. So the admin role– so the statement is, “The admin role doesn’t have access to myAPI functionality.” This is from Nicholas. I believe that’s potentially just the license may not be turned on, but I wanted to confirm that. Yeah. So that the admin should have access to the myAPI functionality. And if it doesn’t, yes, it’s possible that there’s a license issue that we might need to look at. So if you haven’t already, please do raise a support ticket there. And if it reaches product, of course we will take a look to see, but chances are it’s a licensing question. All right. So Nick has followed up with the owner, has access, but the admin role does not, so we might need to take this one offline and take a look at it. Yeah, yeah. If it’s as Nick says, then that isn’t how it’s meant to be, so I definitely want to hear from you. If you haven’t raised a ticket already, please do so. We’re keen to make sure we get that one resolved. All right. So thanks, Nick, for that. Next is from David. So David is loving the recent updates, as we all are. So a question in handlebars. Is there ever a plan to support variables in handlebar expressions? Probably not. And I’ve done a bit of reading about this too. Handlebars I used a lot in producing dynamic web content, and I think there are some fierce debates about that. So at the moment, no, it’s not in the plan. I’d be curious to understand if it’s a scenario where maybe JavaScript might be a better option. But again, I’d be happy to discuss that one offline to understand better. Again, if you wanted to ask a question like that in the community, again, accessible from the top menu of docs.celigo.com, you can see a community link. I could probably show it to you myself. And you’ll see there’s a lot of activity there in the community and a ton of different topics here. So you could post here or, if it’s in a request, under here. So it’s getting quite a bit of traffic these days. Right. Well, since you’re there, don’t move off because I think this next question we’ll need to go back to the platform. So how do I access the dev playground if I don’t currently see it in my left-hand nav? So you have to turn on developer mode. So maybe we can show that. Yes. You need to have developed mode. My profile, down the bottom. You need to be in developer mode. And then if you still don’t see it, it’s probably because you don’t have at least account-level manager role. At the moment it appears under the tools menu, which means if you don’t see the tools menu, then obviously you won’t see the dev playground. So that’s the way it’s set up right now. And yeah, if you still don’t see it, then chances are it’s because of the role that you have in the account. All right. So next question. What is the risk of going to EM 2.0? It looks like there’s just added functionality, so there’s parity with the existing Error Management. Can errors be cleared the same way? So a couple of questions there. What’s the risk? And then the operation, is that essentially the same? Yes. So the risk is low and getting lower as we go, of course, because we have more and more customers moving over. So that’s the first thing. It’s been a controlled rollout. We’ve been running it ourselves. We have as you imagine we dog food a lot, as they say. We’re running integrator.io, or Celigo is running on integrator.io itself. So our accounts are being upgraded for probably four months and more and more customers are going. So I think the risks are pretty low. In terms of functionality, yes, let’s say it’s equivalent, but better. So, as we said, obviously, just being able to see all the areas listed this way is better. If a flow was disabled, if I were to disable that, for example, of course, I still have the errors. But now when I go back to the home screen, there are no errors listed because, well, there are no active flows that are reporting errors, right? So things of that sort just make it much easier to see. If I turn it back on, of course, when it refreshes here, it’s going to show back on the home screen that I have those three errors. There are other things that we’ll talk about in the webinar, including better programmatic access to errors. So being able to do some more things from the API. And so there, it went back to three errors. And then on top of that, it will build towards some other features around a theme we call autopilot, that again will be talked more about in the webinar later in March. So either way, we’re moving in this direction. It’s just a question of whether you opt in now or you’re moved over, migrated eventually. But again, I’d encourage you to check out the webinar. It’s being run by one of my product managers, Philly Leonardo, March 24th, I think it is. We have a slide in second. And he will go through all the details in a much better demo than I could do today. Great. In fact, I’ll just move on. There we are. It is March 24th at 9:00 AM, so I’ll leave that up while we take any other questions. Right. If you haven’t gone, there’s a knowledge-based article around Error Management 2.0 that has a video that Philly did that also does a bit more of a walkthrough just to increase your level of comfort there. So the next question is, does the error notification allow you to set criteria? As in, I will– it’s not interactive, so I will guess perhaps if it’s this type of error, notify that person, otherwise notify this person. At the moment, no. But that is the sort of thing that we’re looking at for the future. Obviously, you could query the integrator.io API to find out errors and run custom notifications that way you saw. So basically, you could run a flow that calls the IO API for error management and then does stuff from there, right? So that’s a possibility if you want to get started on that now. Otherwise, that is the sort of thing that we’ll be looking to enhance this with in the future. It could also be a threshold. Yes. There were thresholds for before the notifications start happening. Right. Yeah, that’s also something where we’re looking at. There’s a number of things below the surface that you don’t see that are building blocks for future functionality. So, for example, the ability to set thresholds to say– let’s say my order volume is meant to be X, if it’s two X or if it’s half of X, then I want to know about it, that type of thing. I want to be notified, because even if the records themselves aren’t erring, the volume or lack of volume could indicate a business condition that someone needs to know about if they’re not being informed by other means. So that, too, is an area we’re looking at. I’m not sure if we’ll get too far into that in 2021. But let’s see. Certainly the building blocks for that are coming together with error management 2.0. Great. Next question is a bit on the new React UI. So recently discovered, this is from Devon, so recently discovered the option to proceed to the next application when errors are encountered has been removed from Flow Builder, but still is accessible in the legacy UI. Is that expected behavior? This one? Yeah, yeah, I think so. Yeah, so that is still there. So, Devon, I don’t know. Maybe there’s a specific issue that you’ve run into. I don’t know. I wouldn’t be able to comment further without saying, so I do encourage you to raise the ticket for that one. Certainly, to my knowledge, there was no intention to change that functionality. Right, yeah. So maybe a quick support ticket, and we can get you sorted, Devon, on that one. Next one is from Ryan. Is there any way to enable auto retry of errors or type of error? So we are doing more sort of related to this autopilot functionality that I mentioned. So integrator.io already does a lot of this behind the scenes to reduce the noise a little bit. So if we get a busy signal from an endpoint, we will actually, for a short period of time, retry. Otherwise, it would sort of remove, excuse me, a lot of the spurious error messages you might get. But beyond that, we are looking to do more. And again, we’ll be talking more about this, I think, in the error management webinar. But the ability to auto retry certain types of errors, let’s say governance related ones, sometimes you just need to back off and retry it another time. And there’s a whole area of functionality we’re looking at there. So the short answer is there are some things we already do, and there is more coming. So that may be a little bit vague for you, I realize, but that’s where we’re at. Definitely we want to do more there. Yeah. Yeah. So, Ryan, I would encourage you to at least register for the error management webinar, even if you can’t attend, so you can get that recording. You’ll see a lot more detail there and also some plans of what we have planned for autopilot, which is using AINML to address some of these issues in an automated way. So next one is from Jorge. Are you planning to enhance My AP to use friendlier URL names? This is a topic of much discussion, so. Yes, the short answer is yes. For those of you who don’t know, My API is a functionality that allows you to effectively expose an API endpoint that an external app could call. And when it’s called, you can pass all the parameters and so on into a script that can then return synchronously, run some logic and return synchronously. So it’s important functionality. At the moment, though, the URI is automatically generated. So it’s not particularly friendly. So, Jorge, yes, that is something we’re looking to do. I don’t think it’ll be in Q2, but it’s definitely part of the longer term plan. We can share more with you as we get going. And separately, what I’d be happy to hear directly from you about the use cases you have in mind as well. And, of course, you could reach me directly at first name, dot, last name at celigo.com. I’d love to hear more. Great. So that was the last question we have so far, and we are getting close to time, so, perfect. So anyway, I would certainly like to thank Matt for putting together this material. We appreciate you all taking the time to join live for the session. And we hope you find them useful. And one more big thank you and shout out to everybody that has either written a review, helped us with customer references, and gotten us to a point where we’ve managed to hit this target of ours with G2 and being in a leadership conference and really getting this very prestigious award. It’s all due to you guys and your guys’ enthusiasm about Celigo. So, big thanks to you for that. Thank you. With that, we will end the session. Thanks very much, everybody, and have a great rest of your day or evening. Thank you. Thank you all.

About The Speaker

Kim Loughead

VP Product Marketing

Kim oversees Celigo’s product marketing team where she is responsible for go-to-market strategies, pricing, product messaging, and content working closely with sales, product and marketing teams.

Prior to joining Celigo, Kim was VP of Marketing at Knowi, an augmented analytics startup, and Sr. Director of Product Marketing at Informatica. Kim has over 20 years of experience in the data integration space both as a customer and running product marketing organizations at various software companies in Silicon Valley.

Kim hold a B.S. in Business Administration and MIS and a M.S. in Management Systems both from Notre Dame de Namur University.

Matt Graney

VP Product

Matt Graney is a seasoned product management leader with over 15 years experience in the discipline across B2B software enterprises and startups. At Celigo, Matt is responsible for the company’s overall product vision, strategy and roadmap. Prior to joining Celigo, Matt held senior product management roles at Axway, an integration middleware vendor, where he was responsible for the global portfolio strategy. Before that, Matt led product management for strategic products at Borland Software and Telelogic (now part of IBM Rational). Matt began his career as a software engineer in the defense and telecommunications industries in Australia. Matt holds a B.E. in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Adelaide, Australia.

Meet Celigo

Celigo automates your quote-to-cash process with an easy & reusable integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS), trusted by thousands of eCommerce and SaaS companies worldwide.

Use it now and later to expedite integration work without adding more data silos, specialized technical skillsets or one-off projects.

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